क्या है स्तंभन या नपुंसकता दोष को दूर करने के घरेलू, आयुर्वेदिक और एलोपैथिक इलाज ?


स्तंभन दोष या जिसे नपुंसकता का दोष भी कहा जाता है और ये समस्या पुरुषों में काफी जटिल रूप में पाई जाती है। इसके अलावा कभी-कभी ये समस्या महिलाओं में भी देखने को मिल जाती है पर इस समस्या से पुरुष वर्ग ज्यादा परेशान है। फिर वही बहुत से पुरुष वर्गों में ये बात भी […]

Overcome your sexual Dysfunction by consulting an Ayurvedic Doctor


Are you struggling with sexual problems? Have you been trying to neglect the same? Do you think that sex-related problems only occur in women? Sex-related issues are more troublesome than they might seem. One thing is sure you don’t have to shut them off or think that everything will get better on its own. Indeed! […]

Guide on Shirodhara: An effective ayurvedic approach to dealing with stress


Shirodhara: Ayurvedic treatment to make overall health better Shirodhara is derived from 2 words in Sanskrit: Shiro (Head) and Dhara (Flow). With the Ayurvedic approach, the utmost focus is on boosting the entire immune system. Under the given Ayurvedic treatment, the liquid is poured over the head. The following liquids are poured over the head: […]

Treat Your Low Libido With Ayurveda And Enhance Your Sexual Health


Are you seeing a gradual decrease in your love life? Or are you finding it hard to set a mood like before? If you face any difficulty in your sexual life, do not hesitate to visit a Sexologist in Ludhiana. Just like a physician is essential to treat your chronic and acute diseases. A sexologist is […]

Analysis On Sex Related Headaches And Post Sex Sadness And Mood Swings


Sex-Related Headache Oh, you might have definitely heard the age-old dialogue of “ Not today, dear, I have a headache.” It is a common excuse but did you know you can encounter a headache at the time of the sex? Yes, it is, in fact, possible! Headache that ranges from migraines to tension induces headaches […]

Premature Ejaculation: Does It Last Forever And Its Treatment?


Premature Ejaculation: you might have heard about this term. Well, it is one of the most common conditions that men suffer from. More than that, the question that boils down is: “Is premature ejaculation permanent?” Well, in many cases, you will notice that premature ejaculation is a once or twice occurrence that happens due to […]

Sexologist Advice On Nightfall And Its Treatment With Ayurveda


What Does The Doctor Say About Nightfall? Doctors will give you a lot of medicines to cure the problem of nightfall. These preventive measures can help in reducing the cognition of nightfall gradually. Some of the preventive measures that the sexologist in Ludhiana gave are: Sexologist in Amritsar highly advise people who are consuming testosterone medicines to stop […]

Is Penis Enlargement Product Legit? Or Are They A Waste Of Time?


It is so typical to find male enhancement products on TV, social media ads and in other places. Basically, it seems to be everywhere. And there is also a wide range of varieties in such male enhancement products. From improving libido to boosting performance, you will get it all. Do not worry; they will also […]

What Leads To Lack Of Desire In Sex And Tips To Recover From It?


Loss of sexual desire is more evident in women as compared to men. Almost 15% of men have issues with their libido compared to 30% of women. But men with low sex drive have more trouble with this situation than men because of the social stigma attached to it. According to many Sexologist in Ludhiana, masculinity and […]

Everything you need to know about the Dhat Syndrome (Spermatorrhea)


Dhat Syndrome (Spermatorrhea) Dhat Syndrome or Spermatorrhea medical problem when semen flows with urine and puts pressure on the lower abdomen along with sensual thoughts. Dhat Treatment in Punjab under the expertise of Ayurvedic practitioners will improve your situation effectively. If the condition is affecting your sexual life, then you need to consult a sexologist to improve […]