Erectile Dysfunction: A Common Problem And Its Ayurvedic Remedy


Erectile dysfunction is one of the most prevailing issues many people suffer from. It is a common male sexual condition. The Sexologist in Ludhiana also calls erectile dysfunction as “ED.” And there is nothing to worry about. With simple techniques, you can treat this disability.  What Is Erectile Dysfunction? ED is basically a repeated frequent inability to […]

Premature Ejaculation: Its Key Features And Prevention Methods


PE (premature ejaculation) is a condition wherein the man experiences the sexual climax before, during, or shortly after vaginal penetration. It typically happens before someone desires to have one without having much control over the body. In fact, it is one of the most common types of sexual dysfunction that men suffer from.  Critical Features […]

Explain masturbating and its impact on your sexual health?


Infertility has become a burning issue that spoils millions of couples’ lives by stopping them from natural conception. Apart from your lifestyle habits, numerous other factors stimulate the problem of infertility, such as earlier ailment history, injuries and unknown reasons, etcetera. If you determine any minor error in your reproductive tract, immediately call the  Sexologist in […]

Sexologists’ Answer: Can You Get A Treatment For Premature Ejaculation?


One of the most burning questions that we often hear is: “Is Premature Ejaculation permanent?” Well, to be honest, this condition can be hard on anyone. And it is natural to get rid of it as soon as possible. Let us read more to know all the required details that you would need about premature […]

Is It Normal To Have Less Interest In Sexual Activity (Low Libido)?


Are you feeling frustrated, discouraged, or even embarrassed to talk about the lack of interest you have in your sex life? Do not worry; you are not alone on this ship. Almost 31% of men and 43 % of women find it hard to involve themselves in sexual activity. They have reported a sexual dysfunction […]

Low sperm count treatment through the Ayurveda approach


Low sperm count treatment with Ayurveda Low sperm count in medical terms is known as oligospermia. The problem is one of the common reasons behind male infertility. Through proper semen evaluation, it’s easier to understand the possible reason and the most suitable method for solving the condition. If you are going through the same state, you […]

Vajikarana Therapy: An Ayurvedic Treatment For Sexual Disorder


There are at least 31% of men who are suffering from some kind of sexual disorder, according to some research. Having sexual dysfunction can seriously impact the quantity of a man’s life. There are several factors that can contribute to these issues. But with the help of a Sexologist in Ludhiana, you will be able to treat […]

From which factors does erectile dysfunction result in males?


Erectile dysfunction refers to the condition in which men cannot maintain an erection (a process in your men’s penis turns into a complex and robust shape to form sexual intercourse). More than thirty-five million men are suffering from this condition worldwide. This condition also prevents male genders from forming pregnancy. When something similar happens to […]

Exploring Dhat Syndrome And Its Physical And Psychological Distress


The doctors associate Dhat syndrome with the emotional and physical distress linked to perceiving semen loss or the fear of it. In short, according to the Sexologist in Ludhiana, the dhat syndrome is a semen loss-related psychological distress. Apart from that, some factors might bother the patient with dhat syndrome. Factors That Might Bother Dhat Syndrome Patient […]

What Is Nightfall Or Wet Dreams, Its Main Reasons And Side Effects?


Sperm emission at night or wet dreams or nightfalls in men. You might wonder what exactly this is. Well, most of the time, people shy away from talking about wet dreams and what it is. This only enhances the taboo and notion regarding it, enclosing a discourse. On most occasions, it happens to teenage boys […]