Erectile Dysfunction
For many men Erectile dysfunction is an embarrassing topic to talk about and hence, they do not share this problem with anyone. It is a

One stop natural practices to increase sexual stamina and endurance
How to increase sexual stamina and endurance in bed? There’s no denying the fact men give major importance to higher levels of sexual stamina. And

Vajikaran: Enlist the 8 major Ayurvedic herbs to boost sexual health
Impact on sexual health affects the personal relationship Do you and your partner often have difficulty achieving pleasure in sexual activities? Do you feel irritated

What are the causes for the Sexual problems?
In today’s era, because of poor diet, Problems related to sex are common in both males and females. Nearly 48% of females and 38% of

What is desire disorder and its causes?
Everyone has seen those days when they are in the mood for some sexual activity, and then there are days when they don’t even think

Ayurvedic Doctor Guide: 5 tips to keep the spark in marriage alive
Marriage! One word but the commitment of a lifetime and a bond that experiences different lives together. But to keep that bond alive just like