मैं स्तंभन दोष से कैसे निपटूँ? स्तंभन दोष के कारण क्या है?
इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन, या ईडी, सबसे आम सेक्स समस्या है जिसके बारे में पुरुष अपने डॉक्टर को बताते हैं। यह लगभग 30 मिलियन पुरुषों को प्रभावित

Which ayurvedic sex principles should the couple follow to enjoy being intimate?
According to the sexologist in Punjab, “There would not be any person who wants neither to have a healthy or the satisfying sex. But still,

What are the reasons for Nightfall? How to prevent it naturally?
Nightfall: Natural ways to prevent Wet dreams or Nightfall – are one of the common problems among men. It’s the sperm emission that happens at

How are diseases diagnosed and treated as per the ayurvedic approaches?
At the point when you visit an Ayurvedic Doctor in Punjab, be ready to discuss yourself. Since Ayurveda underlines balance in all aspects of your

What does a sexologist do?
Sexual intimacy plays a significant role in many relationships. It is a natural desire needed by many human beings when they are with a person

Understand the basics and importance of safer sex.
Protection during sex is essential for different reasons. By reducing the risk of STIs and unplanned pregnancies, safer sex aims to improve sexual health and